Hello, hoomans! Lenny here (the fluffy one with a few extra “love handles”), and alongside my wiry partner-in-crime, Stanley, we’re proud to bring you the inside scoop on life as the top-notch security team at Echuca Moama Storage. Every day is a new adventure, filled with exciting tasks like barking at suspicious gum leaves, sniffing out the delivery truck, and occasionally napping in the sun. Here’s a peek behind the scenes!
6:00 AM: Morning Patrol (a.k.a. Checking the Perimeter for ‘Stuff’)
The sun’s barely up, but we’re already on the move. Stanley insists on doing a perimeter check, sniffing every blade of grass, while I (Lenny) oversee from a comfortable position by the door. Sometimes we find treasures: forgotten tennis balls, mysterious smells, or, if we’re lucky, a half-eaten sandwich someone left behind. It’s all part of keeping the facility secure!
7:30 AM: Greeting Our Loyal Fans (aka Customers)
When the first customers arrive, we spring into action. Stanley does the meet-and-greet with his best “I’m a professional” look, while I go for the “let’s be best friends” approach. We’ve got a reputation to uphold here. No box goes unchecked, no leg goes un-sniffed.
Our regulars are so used to us that they bring treats (we’re very persuasive that way). If you haven’t brought us one yet, don’t worry—you’ll catch on. Just look for our pleading eyes, and you’ll know what to do.
11:00 AM: Mid-Morning Surveillance (or Nap Time, Depending on Activity Levels)
Stanley’s great at staying on high alert. Me? I supervise the entire operation from my favourite sunspot. But don’t let my resting face fool you—if anything moves, I’m on it. Mostly. Unless it’s, you know, snack time or nap time.
Pro tip: If you ever hear mysterious barking, it’s usually Stanley trying to catch the attention of the delivery guy with the snacks. There’s a whole system here, people!
2:00 PM: Unofficial Quality Control (aka Lenny’s Lunch Break)
One of our most important jobs is keeping the area clean, so naturally, I’ve appointed myself as the official taste-tester for anything remotely edible left around. Stanley says I’m “on a diet,” but really, I’m just dedicated to the job. Nobody understands dedication like a Jack Russell on the hunt for crumbs. It’s tough, but someone’s gotta do it.
3:00 PM: “Customer Care” (Yes, We Do Take Requests)
By the afternoon, we’re really hitting our stride. Stanley makes sure customers feel secure with his patrols, while I’m stationed in the yard offering emotional support (it’s a thing). Need a stress reliever while you load up your unit? A scratch behind my ears will do it. Or for an extra fee (just kidding!), Stanley might even throw in a few barks for morale.
5:00 PM: End of Day Reflection
As the day winds down, we make sure everything’s in order. We check for missed treats, confirm there are no intruders, and do a final patrol (or at least Stanley does, while I wait by the door—somebody must keep the exit strategy sharp!). After all, we’re professionals.
When you come by, keep an eye out for us. Whether it’s a friendly sniff or a security check, Lenny and Stanley are on duty, making sure your things are safe, sound, and occasionally barked at. Just know that every box, bag, and crate here has been carefully inspected (and maybe drooled on) by the best in the business.
Until next time, hoomans! And don’t forget the treats.

Man and dog